かんちゃん自習屋日記 Self-Learning & Share

政治経済、歴史文化などを自習してその情報を共有しようと思います。I’m going to do self-learning about World/East Asian Politics, Economy, Culture and History. I will share the info as study result.

#4“Will Coal-fired power plants in Japan disappear? No future?” English Version of “日本の石炭火力発電は消えていくのか?未来はないのか?”


While I am reading the documents of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE) in Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), I am doing self-learning and make small memo.


A: 日本の石炭火力発電の現状と進化

Current situation of Coal-fired power plants in Japan and it progress



To reduce Greenhouse gases, there is a tendency that people try to reduce the number of Coal-fired power plants.



On the other hand, I often heard that the Japanese Coal-fired power plants have higher performance than that of other countries. I have an interest in this issue so I tried to do self-learning.



I am going to check “Achievement of high efficiency for Thermal power generation” released by ANRE in 2015.


( )の番号はメモの通し番号です。[ ] 内は個人的な感想、コメント、ツッコミです。では、さっそくメモ化していきます。

() means “Serial number of my memo” and [ ] shows my opinion and comments. Let’s get started.


B: 火力発電設備の比較、種類、進化

Comparison of Coal-fired power plants, types and it progress


出典(Reference):“火力発電の高効率化” 資源エネルギー庁平成27年11月、総合資源エネルギー調査会 基本政策分科会 第18回会合 資料2-5、Page 3




On the above graph, people can compare the amount of CO2 emissions based on different types of Coal-fired power plants. Current mainstream type of Coal-fired power plants in Japan is USC and its emissions are around 806-820 g-kWh.



出典(Reference):“火力発電の高効率化” 資源エネルギー庁平成27年11月、総合資源エネルギー調査会 基本政策分科会 第18回会合 資料2-5、Page 4



IGCC: Once people make gas from coal, burn the gas and generate electricity by gas turbine. Moreover, steam turbine generates electricity by waste heat from burning gas. These process improve power generation efficiency. IGCC’s emission is around 650g-kWh. The document says this technology will be established by 2020.



I have just checked the current status of IGCC. It seems the Verification test were finished in 2017-2018. You can check “Achievement in the first step demonstration” on the Homepage of Oosaki Coolgen corporation. I cited the below from the Homepage.



“We obtained forecast achieving a net thermal efficiency of approximately 46% on a commercial plant, and could expect to cut CO2 emissions by approximately 15%”


日本語: https://www.osaki-coolgen.jp/project/step1.html


English: https://www.osaki-coolgen.jp/en/project/step1.html




I am going to continue to check the page 4 on the documents by ANRE. It says that people try to combine “IGCC” with fuel cell to increase the efficiency up to around 55% and achieve the emissions “590g-kWh”. The IGFC can be established in around 2025.



You can also check this process on the project home page.]


English: https://www.osaki-coolgen.jp/en/project/step3.html



C: 感想+今後の勝手な予測



So far, we have checked some information. I know what you want to say. You might say “The emissions by Coal-fired power plants are still higher than LNG-fired power plants based on the above graph. Even if people introduce the advanced technology!”



Yeah, I know. However, someone has already realized that there is a further story. I am going to check what’s next, make short memos as a result of my self-learning and share them on my blog next time. Thanks, see you nex time!]


D: Reference


資源エネルギー庁, 平成27年11月, “火力発電の高効率化”, 総合資源エネルギー調査会 基本政策分科会 第18回会合 資料2-5



E: SNSで定期Update



Follow my Twitter. I am going to do self-learning and share various Memo related to World, Asian and Japanese politics, economy, history and culture.





F: 自習屋の目的とは?






時々、[ ]内に、その情報に対する、どういうふうに料理すれば使えそうか、味付けの方向性=コメントやツッコミも入れていこうかと思います。


G: あくまでも参考に

